Get an A in Your Life Goals

If we evaluated life like an academic course, what would it take to earn an A in your life goals?  Instructors develop syllabi to help students conceptualize what works needs to be completed and what grades on tests and exams need to be achieved in order to get a good grand in the class.  As the instructor of your own life, develop an outline of how you could earn an A in your own life.  Take a limited period of time, such as 3 months, and write down what you would need to accomplish in that period of time in order to earn that good grade.  Make sure that your syllabus includes only SMART goals – goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable and Time-limited.  Then break down those goals into smaller parts so that each week, perhaps each day, you can keep your focus on the immediate tasks at hand.  Then at the end of the time period, go ahead and evaluate yourself.  I hope you have earned an A!