Facing fears to create change.

The issue of change obviously comes up frequently in psychotherapy.  Therapy is designed to help people make the changes necessary to improve their lives.  However, taking a different path may not be easy.  In fact, change may be accompanied by a healthy dose of trepidation, and a wheelbarrow full of “what if” questions.  What if I make a change and life feels worse afterwards?  What if it doesn’t work?  What if it does work and I am more miserable than before?  Although psychologists don’t have the crystal balls and magic wands to see the future and make angst disappear, it is still essential to take leaps of faith in life instead of remaining paralyzed by fear.  You may struggle with the same misery in life if you don’t face your fears and live life differently.

What fears prevent you from making changes in your life?  How can you overcome these fears, using tools to calm anxiety?  What dreams do you seek to attain, and how can you use those dreams as encouragement to make small changes?

The impossible exists only because one was afraid to chase after their dreams.  – – Sarah Ruth