
Dr. Ackard has been interviewed in the media on key topics in adolescent and adult psychological health for educational films, local television and radio stations.  Her research findings and clinical experience have been featured in national and international print media and online articles.

Documentary Film
• Coast Telecourses educational series on Human Development: Adolescent Biosocial Development, “Transitions throughout the Lifespan: Explosions” (#114). Transitions throughout the Life Span offers an engaging look at human development across the life span, paying particular attention to the biological, cognitive, and psychosocial processes that people experience as they adapt to life circumstances. The twenty-six 30-minute video lessons incorporate videography of biological processes, as well as historical and contemporary research. The course provides students with a chance to observe people during all stages of life and hear from many leading human development experts and medical professionals. Dr. Ackard participates in lesson 14, titled “Explosions”, which examines the physical changes that take place during puberty. The lesson explores the impact of nutrition, physical appearance, and social pressure.

• On the topic of managing holiday stress (November 21, 2001): Channel 4 News (WCCO)
• On the topic of dating violence among adolescents (August 27, 2001): Channel 4 News (WCCO)

• Minnesota Public Radio Interview (August 29, 2001). In this hour-long segment, Dr. Ackard is interviewed on her recent research findings, investigating the prevalence of physical and sexual violence by dating partners among adolescents, and the myriad of psychological concerns that are correlated with adolescent dating violence.
• On the topic of dating violence among adolescents (August 2001): WCCO (St. Paul MN); KFAI (Minneapolis MN); KSTP (Minneapolis MN); CGLB (Winnipeg MB); KLIZ (Brainerd MN); Mike Regan talk show (CA); CBS Newsradio (New York NY); AP radio (Washington DC; national)

Print Media
• On the topic of the benefit of children’s toys, specifically dolls, designed to reflect age appropriate body development (July 2014): Star Tribune
• On the topic of the psychological conditions associated with eating disorders (October 2006): Minnesota Daily
• On the topic of dating violence among adolescents (August 2001): Associated Press (national); St. Paul Pioneer Press; USAToday (European edition); USAToday (U.S. edition); New York Post; Atlanta Journal – Constitution; Philadelphia Inquirer; Arizona Republic; (Chicago) Daily Southtown

Online Media
• On the topic of the associations between binge eating and suicide attempts (January 2003):
• On the topic of dating violence among adolescents (August 2001):;;;;;